Water Recycle Systems

Water recycling

Water recycle systems are very useful for the environment. This is because they take pollutants out of the water that has been used to clean a vehicle or area and recycle it into fresh water. This means that pollutants do not get into the ground and cause environmental problems. These systems help to conserve water by recycling water in the closed circuit system. They also help the environment by neutralizing pollutants and contaminants.

Advantages of using closed circuit water recycle systems

  • Water will be recycled and extra water is not needed. This will save a lot of water and money for the company.
  • Contaminants are neutralized naturally. No chemicals are needed because bacteria are neutralizing the pollutants. You do need to replenish the bacteria.
  • The unit can supply up to 6 pressure washers. This saves time and money as they can all operate at the same time.


  • Food processing plants: Water recycle systems will keep food processing plants sanitary. This is very important when food is being handled. There can be any number of contaminants that can get on the food and make consumers sick.
  • Military fleet operations: When you have to keep a large amount of vehicles clean, it is good to have one of these systems to keep the water clean and also to be able to recycle the water. These wash water recycle systems will help you to save water and also cut down on pollution.
  • Oil field services: When you drill down for oil the last thing you need is to pollute the ground. You may also need to clean the soil to avoid contamination. One of these systems will handle this for you by cleaning up the soil or water. The water will be contained which means that you will be able to save water with these water recycle systems.

There are two models of this system available; one can handle 1,250 gallons and the other is a larger system and can process 3,030 gallons. Installation and set up is offered. Training is also offered and recommended. This will ensure that you and your employees understand your new system and how to maintain it.
How does closed circuit water recycle systems work? Initially they have a solids settling chamber. Larger particles will sink to the bottom of the chamber. Next, the water will go through a bio reactor where the microbes are. They will go to work on the contaminants and neutralize them.  Microbes must be added to the system in order for there to be a proper ratio of microbes to the waste water that is going through.

The water goes through the integral clarifier which collects small particles of called floc. When there is not enough contaminated water flowing through the microbes can eat this floc.Finally the water will pass through the part of the water recycle systems called the clean water well. This will store the clean water.